Our Emergency Prepardness Co.

Monday, December 22, 2008

We caught them all for a quick pic before church,
since we were already 30 minutes late.
2 out of 3 girls being happy is pretty good.
They LOVE their new dresses and shoes!


Abby loves her baby with a magnetic binki and a bottle.
Carrie hasn't figured out, the binki is for the baby.
Sara loves her new Elmo toy from Grandpa and Grandma.
She misses them the most and cries for Grandpa often.

Abby likes her cake.

So, we got ready to sing and have cake after the presents and realized
The cake mix was still sitting on the counter.
Yes, I forgot to bake their bday cake.
Bad mom moment. Dad quickly covered for me and
served ice cream cake w/ candles!

Sam and Carrie

Sam was so excited for the girls to get his gift, cups with cool straws!

Jacob loves to read.

Jacob is such a great reader and he loves to read.
He has been reading all of our Christmas books.

What's in your mouth?

Sara, What's in your mouth?
Spit it out so you can smile for the camera!

She bit all these butterflies off her tutu, without mom even noticing
and she
had them all in her mouth.